Volitions and Machinations of Political Systems: Reviewing Democratic Indicators of India in the Twenty-first Century


Department of International Studies, Political Science and History, Christ University, India


Democracy has been considered to be the hallmark of the growth and development of a country’s political system since the 20th century. In the 21st century, the legitimation of a political system in order to gain international recognition as a nation-state has been intricately linked to the democratisation processes it achieves. The largest democracy in the world, India, has been going through various transitions and transformations in the 21st century, something considered to be very much opined as de-democratization in recent years. The study examines multiple facets of democracy and utilises a mixed-methods approach to study democracy and its indicators across the globe and in India. This includes the utilisation of quantitative and qualitative research in analysing various facets. Data and methodology utilised for the data analysis have been accessed from databases of the World Bank and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.

Keywords: Democracy; India; Empirical; Political System; Voice and Accountability; Whistleblowing 

For the full text, read the PDF version 5. State and Society 2023 – Ramnath Reghunandan


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